What is an EDC belt?
An Every Day Carry (EDC) belt is a belt you wear everyday that offers a combination of comfort and strength to support carrying the weight of a firearm.
Dress belt, casual belt, tactical belt, EDC belt, what’s the difference?
What makes an EDC belt stick out from the bunch is its ability to remain rigid under the weight or strain of a firearm. Your average belt will have a tendency to fold, bunch, pinch, twist & shift under the weight of a firearm either concealed or open carried.
How much should an EDC belt cost?
This is entirely up to you, but a good EDC belt could cost anywhere between $30-$70. I’m sure you can pay more, but you can get everything you need from and EDC belt in this price range.
Is an EDC belt comfortable?
Yes. Most people who use these types of belts either with or without a firearm like the feel. I recommend this style of belt for people even if they do not carry their firearm on their waist.
What are good examples of EDC belts?
A good example of a budget friendly EDC belt is the Wolf Tactical Heavy Duty EDC Belt available on Amazon for $30. This is the belt I currently wear and I highly recommend it. This belt is 1.5″ wide, is very stiff, and has a quick release cobra style buckle. I’ve never had a problem with it.

A midgrade EDC belt might be the 1.5″ Trainer Belt from 5.11. 5.11 makes great gear, many say they’re the gold standard of tactical gear. The reason I put this belt as a midgrade is that it does not offer a quick release buckle, which is my preference. Some might prefer this over the other two belts I reference but, it’s all preference. Also, this belt looks less “tacti-cool” so if you’re concerned with that perhaps 5.11 is the way to go.

A top line example, of an EDC belt is the Hybrid EDC Belt from Blue Alpha. Blue Alpha makes great gear and this belt comes with an actual Cobra® buckle which is regarded as the strongest & safest buckle (period). I use Cobra® brand buckles on the dogs collars, that’s how much I trust them. This belt also has a smaller female end which helps threading it through smaller belt loops.

I hope this helps answer your questions regarding EDC belts. If you have any more questions feel free to email me @ RaleighGunCoach@Gmail.com.