Universal Firearms Safety Rules

These rules aren’t just for new & inexperienced shooters, they’re for ALL shooters. Throughout this post, I’m going to have a little fun with the caps lock button. Please enjoy!

Treat every firearm like it is loaded

Without trying to be funny… all people are shot with loaded firearms, but too many people are shot with loaded firearms that people think are unloaded. If we ALWAYS treat EVERY firearms as if it were loaded ALL THE TIME, we could cut down on so many accidental shootings. So please, from the very beginning learn good safe habits with your firearms.

Never point your firearm at anything you’re not willing to destroy

It’s good to use the word DESTROY in this statement, because using the word shoot just doesn’t do this statement justice. Because shooting something or someone, on purpose or accidental can destroy so many things. But at the same time, do you want to DESTROY your foot? NO! So be aware and don’t put your firearm at ANYTHING you’re not willing to DESTROY.

Keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to fire

Firearms don’t go off by themselves, the need someone or something to put pressure on that trigger. Don’t let your finger be that something that causes the firearm to ‘Just go off’ for no reason… think about that last sentence until it sinks in properly.

Be sure of your target and its surroundings

This is often challenging for inexperienced shooters and can also be a problem for experienced shooters who get caught up in the moment. But this stays on point with the “Don’t accidentally shoot one or something”. So before your fire, identify your target, make sure you want to shoot that target, and identify what’s in front, to the left & right and behind. Especially in a house, what’s behind that drywall that this bullet might hit when it goes through? Just keep these things in mind before you pull the trigger. Carrying and shooting a firearm are is a huge responsibility that should never be taken lightly.