I am only offering private group CCHP courses at this time.
A concealed carry handgun course is a mandatory step that NC requires in order for its residents to get a concealed carry handgun permit. The course consists of 8 hours of in person lecture & training, a written test, and a practical shooting test. No experience with pistols is necessary but is recommended. You also do not need to own a pistol. You can also just take the course for the knowledge it offers and then not follow through by getting the permit from the state/county. I truly believe everyone can benefit from taking this course.
This course covers the following
- NC Law Relating to Handguns (Common & Statutory)
- Handgun Safety
- Intro to Ammunition
- Intro to Revolvers
- Intro to Semi-Automatics
- Marksmanship Fundamentals
- Concealed Carry Fundamentals
- How to Clean a Handgun
- Handgun Storage
- And More…
Prices for private groups vary based on group size and special requests. Email us for pricing.
Common Resources:
NC CCHP DOJ General Info: https://ncdoj.gov/law-enforcement-training/law-enforcement-liason/concealed-weapon-reciprocity/
NC Firearms Laws: https://ncdoj.gov/download/98/concealed-carry-handgun/16346/firearms-publication-november-2018
NC Prohibited Carry Areas Chart: https://ncdoj.gov/download/98/concealed-carry-handgun/360476/cch-chart-10-2022.pdf
Wake County CCHP Info: https://www.wake.gov/departments-government/sheriffs-office/divisions/administration/concealed-carry-handgun-permits
Durham County CCHP Info: https://www.durhamsheriff.com/services/records/gun-permits
Chatham County CCHP Info: https://sites.google.com/view/chathamcountysheriffnc/services/gun-permits
Orange County CCHP Info: https://orangencso.permitium.com/ccw/start
Self Defense Insurance: https://www.uslawshield.com/