In this article we will discuss the concepts of security & protection and how it plays out in the real world. How they are similar and where they are different. It’s not just semantics!
Security Definition
“The state of being free from danger.”
– Oxford Definition
Protection Definition
“The state of being protected.”
– Oxford Definition
Soooo first of all, I was always told not to use the word as a descriptor IN the words definition, apparently Oxford didn’t get the memo… So lets immediately get into how I define the words.
How I define Security & Protection
For me, Security is a thought, feeling, action, concept, or practice of behaviors that lessons or deters the likelihood of a danger or threat. In many ways security is intangible. I view Protection as the tangible counterpart of security.
Easiest example I can think of:
Protection is the door, security is the habit of locking that door.
One of the many nuances:
Is a gun security or protection? If you are concealing that firearm it doesn’t offer much security as it doesn’t deter an attacker. If you’re not properly trained that firearm can be taken from you and used on you. Most people argue that carrying a gun without proper training increases risk/danger/threat. If you’re open carrying that firearm it deters many attackers, except for the ones that it doesn’t, for those individuals you have made yourself a target by open carrying. How this might play out? If a bad guy wants to do ‘something bad’ to a group of people, the first thing they will do is identify/neutralize threats within the crowd. They would identify you and begin making moves and positioning themselves to compromise you, likely before you even identified them as threats. So yes, guns WITH TRAINING are protection, not security.
What about me?
So lets take me for instance. I’m 6’5 230lbs, I have a rather gnarly beard and most people say I look inherently intimidating. Others have said I’m the kind of guy they would imagine is carrying a gun even if I didn’t have any of the tells/markers of someone who was concealing a firearm. My look, appearance & attitude offer me a fair amount of security. My looks in no way offer me ANY protection. So I #StayStrapped!
Let’s talk Home Security & Home Defense
I was once a “Dogs & Guns” kinda guy, in that they are both, my Home Security & protection. Then I kind of realized the dogs & guns are probably the things I want to protect most. Enter home security. Home security is a deterrent to thieves in two main ways. They know a home security system minimizes their time on the objective while also increasing the likelihood of them getting caught and if the system has video it also increases their likelihood of being prosecuted/convicted.
Home Defense has nothing to do with security, home defense is what happens once someone breaks in and they wish to do evil upon you. In the great state of North Carolina that evil would be legally defined as Death, Great Bodily Harm & Rape. At which point you can give those evil doers lead poisoning. Where home security steps in here is when an evil doer comes into the home, it’s nice to have that alarm sound upon entry. The 10 seconds between the alarm sounding and the confrontation can easily be the difference between life & death in this type of scenario.
My Observations
In the past few years dealing with new gun owners and people seeking firearms training I’ve noticed a pattern. Many of those seeking protection, really want security, or many of those seeking protection aren’t aware of the benefits of security and when I start to discuss the two in one-on-one settings, or a classroom environment I see so many lightbulbs go off as they all have a very similar thought:
“You’re right! I don’t want to shoot someone in my living room, I want to take steps that would lesson the likelihood of me having to shoot someone in my living room!”
– A lot of the people I talk to & train
In Summary
To kind of wrap all this up, first identify the things in your life that offer security &/or protection. Then decide if you have enough security &/or protection. Once you’ve made your decisions, take action. Go out and get more security &/or protection.
To focus on security there are a many things that you can do with your home, behaviors and lifestyle that will increase your personal security. I recommend doing some research or take a class.
Focusing on protection, think about the things you will always have on you at all times, namely your hands & feet. Focus on your fitness and take a couple Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai or even standard MMA classes. Just knowing the basics of control and body movement will really help you in a physical altercation. For those of you who are gun friendly, getting a gun and getting training with THAT guy might be the answer. One thing to remember that a gun is ALMOST NEVER the answer, but when it is, it’s THE ONLY answer.
Aside from everything else, be present, be deliberate & most importantly #StayStrapped my friends! Until next time!!